Metro Boulot Dodo


The story.


An unremarkable, yet somewhat unworldly man named Herman comes home after a long day of work. Once he closes the front door behind him, he lapses into his everyday quirky habits. He likes to do things plain and simple. He likes order and regularity. He likes yesterday because yesterday was bright. And the day before yesterday because it was the same as yesterday. But then something happens that Herman didn't expect....


Creative info.

  • Author: Wim De Winne, Tom Ternest, Ives Thuwis en Patrick Vervueren
    Director: Gregory Caers

  • 4 men



De Standaard 
 "A sophisticated performance with a bold attention-grabbing arc that takes young and old out of the rat race for a while. And encourages to color outside the lines in a gray world especially..." 




Additional information

Age category : from 5 years of age

NEVSKI PROSPEKT is a small Ghent theater collective dedicated to creating physical performances for young and not-so-young audiences.

It has been touring the wide world since 2011 with shows such as "HOP" and "METRO BOULOT DODO."

By creating performances, Nevsky Prospekt aims to bridge the gap between every child or young person and art. To do so, it focuses on universal narratives and stories, searching for an extremely physical theatrical language, which transcends the concrete spoken language.

Nevsky Prospekt is convinced that visual language and movement language speak more poignantly than mere words.

Moreover, the collective is always looking for a way to engage the public from the moment they walk into the building.

The longest possible path to a performance, so to speak.

A bit like the longest street in St Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt.

Nevsky Prospekt is Wim De Winne, Gregory Caers and Ives Thuwis.